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Difference Between Zero Rated VAT and Exempted VAT

Difference Between Zero Rated VAT and Exempted VAT

Zero Rated VAT and Exempted VAT

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a form of consumption tax imposed on the added value to goods and services at each stage of production or distribution. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), VAT is set at a standard rate of 5%. However, specific goods and services either fall under a zero-rated or exempt category. This … Read more

Understanding the Foreign Tax Credit under UAE Corporate Tax

Foreign Tax Credit

The Corporate Tax Law recently implemented in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) establishes the legal framework for imposing federal taxes on corporations. It encompasses essential provisions regarding foreign tax credit and withholding tax, imperative for comprehending the tax consequences for businesses operating within the UAE. This article offers an overview of these provisions and their … Read more

what are the Conditions to be a member of a Qualifying Group

what are the Conditions to be a member of a Qualifying Group

The Federal Tax Authority published the Qualifying Group Relief Guide on April 3rd, 2024, UAE Corporate Tax Law to facilitate the taxable entities by streamlining and making it easy to understand the existing relief as per  UAE Corporate Tax. The term “Qualifying Group” refers to a group of Taxable Persons that can transfer assets and … Read more

Business Restructuring Relief in UAE

Corporate Tax Relief

Business restructuring relief is covered under Article 27 of the UAE Corporate Tax that when a qualifying business is transferred between two tax-paying entities in return for shares or an ownership stake, there won’t be any immediate tax on the gains or losses from this transfer. To keep this tax relief, the shares or ownership … Read more

What is the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme and its impact on tax?

Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme

What is the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGBP)? The UAE government came up with the notion of a new program, Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGBP), which served as a revolutionary tool for improving the existing administration and ensuring a well-coordinated government structure. The objective of such initiative is to eliminate the double registration, aimless activities … Read more