Maximizing Benefits Under UAE Double Taxation Treaties
Mostafa is a qualified Corporate Tax Consultant with over 5 years of experience gained in diverse intricate tax matters, he has high expertise in conducting tax negotiations and investigations with the Federal Tax Authority and other external Tax Bodies. He has vast experience in reviewing and drafting tax documents. Mostafa has also advised on a plethora of tax matters, he draws much attention to tax filing procedures and to offering professional investigations to underlining tax complexities.
Double Taxes are similar taxes imposed on a single taxpayer base in two countries, impeding the seamless flow of goods, services, capital, technology, and trade across borders. Public and private entities, investment organizations, aviation enterprises, and a plethora of businesses operating within the UAE, in conjunction with residents, reap the benefits of strategies to mitigate … Read more
For corporate tax purposes, the distinction between juridical persons and natural persons individuals is essential for determining who is eligible to be considered a non-resident person. Non-resident juridical persons are those who have either a Permanent Establishment or a Nexus in the UAE. A permanent establishment is a location of business that is fixed, but … Read more
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the concept of State Sourced Income is essential for non-residents. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to identifying and evaluating State Sourced Income for individuals who are not UAE citizens. Under UAE tax legislation, substantial income originating from or within the country is deemed State Sourced Income, encompassing … Read more
This article explains the specific tax considerations for natural persons, sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporate entities, illuminating the diverse facets that define the tax landscape. Thus, to effectively determine taxability and ensure compliance with the corporate tax law, it is advisable to seek the expert services of top benefits Tax Consultants in UAE. Taxability of … Read more
In the ever-evolving realm of global entrepreneurship, where businesses constantly seek innovative strategies to enhance their financial viability, the concept of Offshore Business refers to Any business activity conducted outside of an entity’s main location. Far beyond the common perception that the term “offshore” may evoke, associated with secrecy and tax evasion, a closer examination reveals … Read more
A business’s loss during a particular tax year is referred to as a tax loss under the corporate tax laws. It happens when revenue (taxable income) is less than expenses or deductions (permitted by tax law), leaving a net loss. Future taxable income is used to offset the resulting tax loss. These are known as … Read more