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How UAE Nationals Can Claim Tax Refunds When Building New Residences

Business Restructuring Relief in UAE

Corporate Tax Relief

Business restructuring relief is covered under Article 27 of the UAE Corporate Tax that when a qualifying business is transferred between two tax-paying entities in return for shares or an ownership stake, there won’t be any immediate tax on the gains or losses from this transfer. To keep this tax relief, the shares or ownership … Read more

What is the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme and its impact on tax?

Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme

What is the Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGBP)? The UAE government came up with the notion of a new program, Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme (ZGBP), which served as a revolutionary tool for improving the existing administration and ensuring a well-coordinated government structure. The objective of such initiative is to eliminate the double registration, aimless activities … Read more

Understanding OECD Pillar 2: Global Minimum Tax In UAE

OECD Pillar 2 Global Minimum Tax In UAE

On March 15, 2024, the Ministry of Finance of the United Arab Emirates started a discussion with the public about new global tax rules. These rules are known as the Global Minimum Tax or GloBE (Global Anti-Base Erosion) Model Rules, part of Pillar Two. The UAE and the OECD have signed the Base Erosion and … Read more

Excise Tax Liability in the UAE

Excise Tax liabilty

Cabinet Decision No. 108/2023 on November 6, 2023, has amended, the provisions outlined in Article 2 of the Implementing Regulation of Federal Decree-Law No. 37/2017 & 7/2017 on Excise Tax in which UAE witnessed significant changes in its tax landscape, particularly concerning excise tax. The liability of individuals involved in various stages of the supply … Read more

Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines for 2024 Dates and Compliance

Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines for 2024

This article analyzes the various corporate tax registration deadlines specified in Federal Tax Authority Decision No. 3 of 2024 in detail. It discusses the timeline for resident and non-resident companies as well as individuals. The implications of late registration are also highlighted. Thus, for Taxable Persons to effectively meet corporate tax registration deadlines and to … Read more